Our partners

The DVC has designated the following organizations as official DVC Partners. These organizations are committed to defending voting rights, registering Democratic voters, and working for free and fair elections: Sister District, Field Team 6Reclaim Our Vote (a campaign by the Center for Common Ground), the Peninsula Democratic Coalition, and the Bay Area Coalition.

Sister District helps win control of state legislatures by “sistering” volunteers from deep blue districts with carefully targeted races in swing districts. This is critical because state legislatures write the state laws, including laws about elections and voting. Many states with Republican-controlled legislatures have passed laws that suppress the right to vote.

Reclaim Our Vote’s mission is to empower under-represented voters to participate in elections. They are dedicated to fighting voter suppression and increasing access to voting, primarily focusing on communities of color which have historically been underserved and which experience barriers to voting.

Our partnership with Field Team 6 (FT6) will focus on registering Democrats in strategic states and in districts that we need to win.

The Bay Area Coalition (BAC) is a collective of more than 49 activist and progressive groups and Democratic clubs from around the Bay Area, including the Democratic Volunteer Center.

Peninsula Democratic Coalition logo

The Peninsula Democratic Coalition works to promote the Democratic Party and get local, state, and national Democrats elected, with members from throughout the communities in Silicon Valley. 

The DVC also will continue our strong relationships and support for allied organizations in our endeavors to strengthen our Democracy. We maintain strong ties with and support of these organizations: