Our calendar lists events by the DVC, partner organizations, and other groups helping to elect Democrats.
All times listed in Pacific time.
See a list of abbreviations below the calendar.

PDC Lunch with Josh Becker & Diane Papan

Ristorante Don Giovanni 235 Castro St., Mountain View, CA, United States

Join the Peninsula Democratic Coalition for a luncheon with state Senator Josh Becker (SD-13) and Assemblymember Diane Papan (AD-21), who will talk about highlights from the California legislative session. Cost: $40 PDC members, $45 non-members.

Abbreviations used in our calendar:

BAC = Bay Area Coalition
CCG = Center for Common Ground
FT6 = Field Team 6
GOTV = Get out the vote
PDC = Peninsula Democratic Coalition
PYD = Peninsula Young Democrats
SCCDP = Santa Clara County Dem Party
SD = Sister District
SLP = Swing Left Peninsula