Write letters or postcards

Thank you to our writers

We very much appreciate the many volunteers who wrote nearly 100,000 postcards or letters with the DVC last year. Our focus on swing states and districts with close races paid off in key House races, especially in California, and in Senate races in Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan. We worked on numerous campaigns to register voters, encourage them to enroll in vote-by-mail programs, inform them about Democratic candidates, and of course to get out the vote.

Thank you to our postcard suppliers

The DVC would like to thank Armen Varteressian, who printed and donated tens of thousands of postcards this year, and has provided us with postcards for years. His contribution to our democracy is incredible.

We also want to thank Joan Escover of JP Graphics for her very generous donations of postcards this year; Mariya Genzel who manages her own writing operation and provides overflow postcards for us; and Geri Weitzman for designing some of our terrific cards this year.

Sign up to stay in the know!

As a DVC subscriber, you’ll receive emails with postcard and letter writing opportunities so you’ll always know when you have a chance to make a difference. To subscribe:

We’ll keep you informed about campaigns you can write for and how to get started.

Why write to voters?

Writing letters and postcards provides a personal touch to voter outreach, and it’s a fun group activity. In our past campaigns, we have written postcards to register voters who are likely to vote Dem, including young voters and voters of color. We write to encourage people to enroll in vote-by-mail programs, a proven method to increase turnout. We ask people to check their registration status in states where there have been purges of people from the rolls. Importantly, we also write to get out the vote for vulnerable Democrats who are in office by informing voters of their achievements—or about their opponents’ unpopular positions on the issues.