Our calendar lists events by the DVC, partner organizations, and other groups helping to elect Democrats. All times listed in Pacific time. See a list of abbreviations below the calendar.

Evan Low rally

DVC Headquarters 2460 E Charleston Road, Mountain View

Join House candidate Evan Low and Team Low for a rally! Evan has been endorsed by the California Democratic Party, labor unions, teachers, nurses, firefighters, police officers and retirees. Afterwards ... Evan Low rally

Zoe Lofgren’s annual family barbecue

Coyote Ranch 1 Coyote Ranch Road, Coyote

Join Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren at her annual family barbecue. The event will feature pumpkin painting, spooky crafts, and games. Children are encouraged to dress up in Halloween costumes. All funds raised will be used to help flip House seats in California from red to blue.

Abbreviations used in our calendar:

BAC = Bay Area Coalition
CCG = Center for Common Ground
FT6 = Field Team 6
GOTV = Get out the vote
PDC = Peninsula Democratic Coalition
PYD = Peninsula Young Democrats
SCCDP = Santa Clara County Dem Party
SD = Sister District
SLP = Swing Left Peninsula