Our calendar lists events by the DVC, partner organizations, and other groups helping to elect Democrats. All times listed in Pacific time. See a list of abbreviations below the calendar.

Fixin’ SMC Measure A forum


Join Fixin' San Mateo County for an educational forum on the pros and cons of San Mateo County Measure A, which appears on the March 4 special election ballot. This measure would grant the Board of Supervisors authority to remove an elected Sheriff from office for cause by a four-fifths vote after written notice and ... Fixin’ SMC Measure A forum

Abbreviations used in our calendar:

BAC = Bay Area Coalition
CCG = Center for Common Ground
FT6 = Field Team 6
GOTV = Get out the vote
PDC = Peninsula Democratic Coalition
PYD = Peninsula Young Democrats
SCCDP = Santa Clara County Dem Party
SD = Sister District
SLP = Swing Left Peninsula